Just a girl wanting to make new friends and to learn Japanese! :)

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma

Grady P Brown - Author

Superheroes - Autism - Fantasy - Science Fiction


Musings of an Ailurophile

Loving Language

Learning languages and connecting with others.

On my own in Japan

A great WordPress.com site

Japan Bento

Bento Boxes of Japan!


Let's have fun exploring Japan!

She Learns Languages

A Female perspective on learning languages

Haikugirl's Japan

A celebration of Japanese culture.

Road-to-Nihon 道に日本

Learning the Japanese language

Japanese Parents 日本の親

For Japanese parents living outside of Japan - 海外在住の日本人のお母さん、お父さんのためのサイトです

Katori's Japanese Log

my Japanese language log blog

I lost my heart in Japan

Everything you want to know about life in Japan